Poldark places – did you know The Bottle Yard once housed six, one million litre vessels of fortified wine?

 When we came across a post about The Bottle Yard Studios in Bristol ( home to the Poldark production team as they film the interior shots of the 2015 remake and base as they spend June and July filming in Cornwall & other locations nearer to Bristol ), it did make us chuckle.

 The post, from http://www.southwestbusiness.co.uk which gives details on another TV production currently being filmed there ( the sitcom Trollied for Sky 1 and starring Stephen Tompkinson & Miriam Margoyles ) mentions briefly the previous use of the studio space. Apparently the big old tank houses ” once contained 70ft tall vats of sherry “. 

One of the tank houses was actually home to six, one million litre vessels of fortified wine! Oh the irony of a show entitled ” Trollied ” now being filmed in that same space… 

And of course, the fictional characters in Poldark were some of them, no strangers to the temptations of the demon drink. Have you noticed just how frequently the canary & the port gets quaffed? Not to mention the barrels of smuggled French brandy. Watching the 70’s original recently, we were struck at how often someone walks into a room & immediately just helps themselves to a glass or two of something… 

Fancy a small glass of canary?

Fancy a small glass of canary?

Oh go on then! It'd be rude not to...

Oh go on then! It’d be rude not to…

I'd prefer a glass of port...

I’d prefer a glass of port…

Don't even bother with a glass...

Don’t even bother with a glass…

Here’s the rest of the article about the Trollied filming if you’d like to read more


Let’s hope the current cast are drinking in the atmosphere and history, of their surroundings when they come to those more ‘ sociable ‘ scenes… The word ‘ imbibed ‘ springs to mind!